Our factory production history.

Our factory build on 1994 ,at beginning we only can produce the blank product,until 2000,we have perfected the production line and can produce the finished products for selling .On 2003 we registered QIAO brand,our product main sells in China local market also for the trading company.One time my boss Mr.Wang attend the Canton Fair ,he notice the trend of foreign trade development after he came back ,on 2007 build the foreign trade department ,from that year we begin to do the international trade business.With the expansion of market demand we changed to Tunnel Kiln which is more better for our product quality.On 2010 we change the production line as half automatic,we have around 1500 workers in our factory .Later years because of control the cost we update our new production line for casting on 2015, which is called coated sand machine,by this machine ,the product is more specification and the surface is more meticulous.from 2016,because of the environmental issues ,our government pay more attention to the Environmental protection,on 2017 we change Cupola to Electric furnace,we stop to use the coal as power .

Our factory is located in Luquan Shijiazhuang which is near by Beijing.If you chose the high-speed train ,only need 1h30mins ,you can also choose plane to Shijiazhuang airport ,after 1 hour will arrive our factory from the air port.it is very Convenience.

we usually loading container on TianJin Port.

Post time: Apr-03-2024